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Why mobile app prototype is necessary for making a successful app?

Prototypes is meant for generating the full potential of your mobile app idea at the time of user testing. It imitates just like a final interaction forms meant for checking the interface usability before beginning the development procedure.  You can say that it is an ideal tool which helps in avoiding any type of pitfalls which may occur while developing a mobile application. An interactive prototype helps in improving the communication between the idea and development of an App. It even helps to prevent the misunderstanding which may create and help in understanding the requirement and evaluating the usability of an App while developing. Thus an interactive prototype is necessary for generating a great experience – the look and feel of your application before starting the development of your app. This will not only saves your time but even your money which would be required in the development activities.

Prototyping is necessary for Mobile App development process as it generates a real feeling of the app without investing time and resources on it. It is a nice way meant for analyzing how would be the structure and how actually the app will look like in different situations. Appactuator provides high quality prototyping services which will provide you with end user experience before starting the development process. 

We provide a consultative approach toward your ideas, business requirements, competition and target audience and come up with a unique and productive development plan. On the basis of the analysis we keep in mind that you get the most productive and effective prototypes out of your ideas. Based on new technologies, creative capabilities we provide you with the best concepts and solutions for generating the best prototypes which will help in illustrating what will be the best architecture and the flow of the application and even how the users will react or interact with the application.

Documentation screen to screen 

The main motive of generating the prototype or the documentation is the representation of your ideas into screen to screen documentation, which can be ideal at the development phase. The screen to screen documentation provides every bit information of the app on a separate page. This documentation consists of all the important stages of the app with every step description.  

When prototype is combined in a right way it is ideal for user testing and development. It is always better to choose the means of communication before starting the designing process as it helps:

  •         To identify the problem which it tries to solve
  •         To know what are your target groups
  •         To know what your competitors have done in this area
  •          In setting up overall requirement of the products

On the basis of your product and team you need to consider which type of prototype can deliver the most out your app idea. What will work best for you a formal documentation or informal quick sketches and face to face discussions of your prototype? You need to decide how much time and money you have, on the basis of which you can have one or two sketches and prospects for your app.

An interactive prototype is beneficial for improving the communication and generating a clear expression of your requirement and having solutions for it. You would even be able to optimize the workflow and the usability of your developed app thus it helps in saving your lot of time and money. Thus an interactive prototypes is always beneficial in generating a profitable projects.

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